Friday, September 26, 2014

Lawyer Up, Moms! by George Galgano

Peyton Price poses an interesting argument on how effective lawyer moms can be in “Lawyer Up, Moms!” With all their years and experience as a lawyer, you can be sure that lawyer moms have an upper hand in being a parent. She humorously describes the benefits of being a lawyer mom. This article certainly makes a good point. Lawyers must have outspoken, confrontational, and investigative characteristics for them to even take on that career; they are also detail oriented and patient. Unquestionably, these are all aspects of an effective, engaged and responsible mom.

Parents should be familiar with having to sign a series of contracts for they’re under aged children. Well, as Price points out, they “read the fine print.” Lawyers are responsible for paying close attention to details. They are sure to be on the look out and find any sneaky activities. Price uses saucy real world examples like “browse history on an iPhone,” which shows how exceedingly serious lawyers moms are- or at least her version of them.

Most people would most likely agree that the process it takes to become a lawyer is not a joke. A lot of tears, diligence, and hard work are put into that field. With that being said, Price makes it very clear that lawyer moms “know drudgery.” And they do. Most people would probably also agree to the fact that parenting is a lot of work, especially being the mom; the two compliment each other.

Can anyone name any teenager that hasn’t gone behind there parents back, lied, and did something they weren’t supposed to do? Chances are: the answer is yes. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of sly actions teenagers make. A lawyer’s job is to observe, investigate, find evidence, and get answers. Good luck to any teenager that plans on getting away with lying to a lawyer mom. As Price points out, they are “trained interrogators”- and they will find answers.

I could imagine a lawyer mom picking a fight here and there. Personally when I was younger I had a confrontational comment to say about everything. My dad’s favorite line was of coarse, “you should be a lawyer.” So yes, as Price says, lawyers “love a good fight,” and this would definitely come in handy in a situation where a good fight is mandatory for the well being of their child. And that is a trait that all moms should have. So, “Lawyer Up, Moms!”

George Galgano is a lawyer from New York and welcomes any and all Lawyer Moms.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Strange Laws in the United States

While there are many viable laws in the United States, there are others that seem to make no sense whatsoever. These strange laws, still on the books in their individual states, are rarely if ever enforced today. And on the rare occasion where one may be enforced, it's likely done so in an effort to get a good laugh that day.

If you're wanting to give your donkey a bath, you better make sure it gets done prior to 7 p.m., especially if you live in Oklahoma. According to a little-known law that is inexplicably still on the books, it's illegal to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7 p.m. in the evening. So if you've got a dirty donkey, makes sure it's awake when you give it a morning or afternoon bath.

New York is a state that still has many strange laws on its books. For example, the law says a license must be purchased before a person is allowed to hang their laundry on a clothesline. Also, if you're a guy who's looking to flirt with the ladies, you better do it in another state. New York law states a man can get fined $25 for flirting once, then if convicted a second time must pay the fine and wear a pair of horse-blinders whenever he goes outside.

If you've got a cat that you're wanting to spend some quality time with at the end of the day, you better be careful what the two of you do. In Illinois, it is illegal for anyone to give cats, dogs or other domesticated animals a cigar that is lit and ready for smoking. And if you're a movie buff, plan on going to the latest blockbuster alone. In Baltimore, Maryland it is considered illegal to take a lion to the movies. Oh well, so much for those weekend plans.

Speaking of weekend plans, guys who are going out on a date can try something interesting. In Illinois, state law requires a man's female companion to call him "Master" while out on a date. If things are going well, I would recommend not trying to enforce this law.

While these laws are obviously outdated, they nevertheless are still on the books in various states. So the next time you light up that cigar and are tempted to hand it over to your kitty, you better think twice.

George Galgano is a New York based Lawyer.